Friday, July 3, 2015

Spring in Callendar Forest and the SWANS revisited

The woods look much different in the Spring.

Still picking up trash, though not as much as before. Maybe people are being more careful and not littering?


Doug can pick up most anything with his nifty difty Father's Day gift.
It may take him 4-5 tries, but he can prevail.

I love the different shapes of the tree trunks, and the hundreds of colors of green.

Foxglove is very poisonous. Very Pretty. They make digitalis from it. It slows and strengthens the heart.

Can you see the swans? No, not the ones you ride, look to the right.

Haven't they grown?

The DADDY swan with his head up is constantly on the look out for any problems. He shoos the ducks away when they get close to his cygnets.

We love to come and talk with them, though they aren't much for a conversation.

Swans are herbivorous eating grasses and tubers in the water. 

Sort of mangy looking isn't he?

Just to get an idea of size. Most dogs we meet are NOT this large. Yes, he does make my heart start to race. I am always looking for a way out, just in case I need it.

1 comment:

  1. I just LOVE these photos!! They remind me of the very north west, No wonder these swans are so loved by you. They seem delightful.
