Sunday, September 28, 2014



Who ever heard of feeding the squirrels? Especially buying a house for them. Notice the sign for squirrel feeders. A bargain at 11 pounds 95 pence.

Pitlochry is a well known Scottish town at the geographic heart of Scotland. That means it is as far away from the sea as it is possible to be and still be in Scotland. It was voted the "best small country town" in Britain a few years ago. This is a picture typical of their main street. The pharmacist is called the chemist.
Highland Cows-you will find black, brown, red and yellow ones.They have less fat because the hair acts as insulation.

Distinctive for their long wavy hair and horns. The hair helps them stay warm in the cold highlands. Should we import them to Idaho?

When the daddy duck said QUACK, QUACK, QUACK, all the ducks came waddling back.

1 comment:

  1. How charming! I want to know how the hairy cows taste before any importing decision is made. LOL
