Wednesday, September 17, 2014


The city was founded in the 7th century and started life in early medieval times as a small religious community grouped round a cathedral.

In the 17th and 18th centuries it became a city of trade, dealing with the American colonies in tobacco and cotton which made many people very rich. It saved 20 days by sailing from Scotland rather than London.

In the 19th century it became a city of industry with shipyards and heavy engineering works. Now it relies mostly on tourism.
Glasglow University was founded in 1451.

Sites around Glasgow. The city has 3 universities with a total enrollment of 60,000 and 2 colleges. with an additional enrollment of 90,000.

The oldest church in Glasgow was built in 1500's and survived the reformation.
 There were 114 cinemas in
Glasgow in 1939.When 1950's brought TV, many of the cinemas closed.

 Old cemetery on top of hill
Merchants would climb on the tallest building to see ships coming in to the River Clyde and then hurry off to their shops.
 This is the museum for Modern Art. It seems to be out of place for me.

Interesting bridge to cross. Look at the supporting white wires off the arch.

Glasgow is the second most popular shopping city in Europe. Second only to London. Where are my pounds, Elder?

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