Thursday, October 30, 2014


These cliffs are the most visited place in Ireland. They stand 702 feet. You don't get very close to the edge or you will be on the other side of the world. They range for 5 miles over the Atlantic Ocean on the western seaboard. From the Cliffs you can see the Aran Islands.

The cliffs take their name from a ruined promontory fort "Mothar" which was demolished during the Napoleanic wars to make room for a signal towar at Hag's Head.

The secret of how the Cliffs formed...about 320 million years ago, during a time called the Upper Carboniferous period, when this area was much warmer and was situated at the mouth of a a large river. The river flowed down bringing mud and sand with it, eventually dumping it all over this area where it settled and eventually formed the rock layers you see today.

The Cliffs of Moher is home to Ireland's largest mainland seabird nesting colony with 20 species of nesting birds including 9 species of breeding seabirds and up to 30,000 breeding pairs.

You can check these birds out on google: Puffins, Guillemots, Razorbills, Fulmars, Kittiwakes, Peregrine Falcons and Choughs for a few.

O"Brien's Tower was built by local landlord Cornelius O'Brien as a viewing point for visitors in 1835. The tower stands at the highest point of the Cliffs and offers the best photo opportunity from the top. No, we didn't go there.

On a clear day you can view 5 surrounding counties.

DO YOU REMEMBER PRINCESS BRIDE? Well this is where it was filmed!

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