Saturday, December 13, 2014


Hopefully most of this post will be new, because it is from the inside of the Kelpies with information from the tour guide, Jennifer, that we enjoyed with another senior couple from Glasgow, The Brownings.

Kelpies are a mythical fresh water creature that can be in any form, from horse to a sea monster. The Loch Ness Sea Creature was banned over 1,000 years ago and was actually seen on satellite last year. I will have to check that one out for accuracy. It seems to occur just before tourist season. 


Kelpies like to eat humans (just kidding), but we were very careful. The myth says that when you get close to the Kelpies AND the water, watch out because they can dive under the water with you in their mouth and then a very loud noise like thunder occurs when they eat you for dinner.

Jennifer told us to get the right perspecive we needed to lay down and look up. I am taking the picture. It is so cold today.

There are 464 plates making up the kelpies and each one is totally different from the other. They came to the site with markings on one side of the steel so the workers would know where to attach them.

This door opens easily but is 2 tons.

150 lorries (trucks) brought up the steel. As each truck approached a bridge from England to Falkirk, the driver had to stop, get out of the truck, let some of the air out of all the tires, drive under the bridge, stop and add the air back to each tire until he arrived at his destination.

Duke left us something behind to remember him by. His left front shoe.

Trick picture.

These are the two horses that inspired the artist, engineer. DUKE and BARON.

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