Friday, December 26, 2014

SECOND Christmas?

Yes, that is another name for BOXING DAY in the UK. It happens on December 26th every year. Many years ago, the lord of the would give to his servants, clothing or agricultural instruments in pay for their last years work. Later on people with servants would give them a gift of money or something else in a box one the day after Christmas. In the UK a Christmas box is also called a Christmas present.

It is said that the British like their holidays and so they began BOXING Day. It is a legal holiday and if it come on a Saturday or Sunday, then Monday and Tuesday are both off to celebrate.

Then Boxing day evolved into a sports day also, with football (soccer), swimming the English Channel, racing or a hunting day chasing the foxes with the hounds. The latter was outlawed in 2004, but you may still see  hunters in their red waistcoats with hunting dogs following the scent of a pretend fox.

In 2014, Boxing Day is also a great SHOPPING Day, maybe even for next years presents.
boxing-day-1500.jpg - Photo ©  Getty Images

1 comment:

  1. I still think Boxing Day is for boxing up the mis-fitting gifts and take them back for exchange!
