Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Robert Burns Day

January 25th in Scotland is a HUGE day. Most everyone attends a Robert Burns event. It is very structured for the most part with what happens, and what you eat from beginning to end.
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Robert Burns

Haggis is the main dish. It used to be baked in the stomach of a sheep, but now it is baked in a synthetic one.

Robert Burns Home

Robert Burns is considered the Poet Laureat of Scotland. He wrote in English, and Scottish and has given encouragement to the Scots ever since.

The TRADITIONAL Robert Burns Program

The night begins with the traditional piping of the guests (bagpipes) then informal greeting and mixing.

Then all the guests are seated, the host gives a welcoming speech and grace is said.

Some hae meat and cann eat,
And some wad eat that want it,
But we have meat and we can eat.
And sae let the Lord be thankit.

The supper starts with soup: Scottish broth or potato or Cock-a-Leekie

Piping of the Haggis
Everyone stands as the haggis is brought in and placed on the host's table.
Then begins the ADDRESS to the HAGGIS

Fair fa(fat) your honest, sonsie (jolly)face
Great chieftain o'the puddin-race!
Aboon (above) them a'ye tak your place
Painch (stomach), tripe, or thairm(intestine):
Wee! are ye wordy (worthy) o' a grace
As lang's my arm.

This goes on for  7 more paragraphs.
Then the speaker draws and sharpens a knife and at a certain line, he plunges it into the haggis, and cuts it open end to end. When done properly this is the highlight of the evening.

Haggis is served with tatties (potatoes) and neeps (turnips).

A Scotch whisky toast will be proposed to the haggis, then the company will sit down to the meal. A dessert course, cheese courses and  whisky trifle and coffee may be part of the meal. When you are a Mormon, the whisky, coffee,  becomes a punch or juice  and the dessert usually becomes Scottish Shortbread.

One of the guests gives a short speech, remembering some aspect of Burns' life or poetry. This may be light hearted or intensely serious.

The host will normally say a few words thanking the previous speaker.

This was originally short and given by a male guest in thanks to the women who had prepared the meal. This is normally an amusing part.

A female guest will give her views on men and reply to any specific points raised by the previous speaker. This is amusing as well.

After the speeches, there may be singing of songs by Burns, and more poetry.

The host will call on one of the guests to give the vote of thanks. Everyone is asked to stand, join hands and sing Auld Lang Syne which brings the evening to an end.


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