Sunday, January 25, 2015

The Holy Land

What three world religions are represented in this picture?
If you guessed Jewish because of the Western Wall, Islam because of the Dome of the Rock (gold dome in background), and Christian because of Augusta Victoria steeple in background picture to the right of the dome, you would be right.

All three religions feel they should occupy the Holy Land.

Abraham 2:6 reads:" for I have purposed to take thee away out of Haran and to make of thee a minister to bear my name in a strange land which I will give unto thy seed after thee for an everlasting possession, when they hearken to my voice."

The Holy Land will be given to those people who hearken to HIS voice. We need to be sure to always listen to HIS voice.

The Sea of Galilee is below sea level as it enters the Dead Sea. It was at this place that the Savior was baptized. Even in his baptism he descended below all things.

Sheep will follow the Shepherd who knows their names. This is an ancient job, and the shepherds are many in the Holy Land. They had a great example.

In 1979, President Spencer W. Kimball traveled to the Holy Land to determine a site for the BYU-Jerusalem Center. In 1984 the center was granted a 49 year lease. They have a contract with Israel government that  NO proselyting will be done by any BYU Jerusalem student or faculty. The students moved in to the center in 1988. They have been there leaning about Old Testament, New Testament, Ancient and Modern Near Eastern Studies by BYU professors. Weekly field trips carry them to the sites they are learning about in the scriptures. As they read the scriptures after their study in the Holy Land, vivid images that have been implanted will return to their minds.

The languages of Hebrew and Arabic are taught by local people. The center opened with 160 students but the number has been decreased in recent years because of security issues. From 2001-2006 the center was closed because of conflict in the area.

Arabs and Jews attend weekly concerts and organ recitals and are able to tour the public area of the center which do not include the 5 levels of student/faculty rooms. The large arches house the chapel and Ruffati organ. As you sit in the chapel you can see through the large arched windows the city Jerusalem.

We had a wonderful time in the Holy Land. First as tourists in 1979 and then in 1993 teaching in the Jerusalem Center. Doug taught Old and New Testament and I taught Pediatric nursing students from Ricks College in Arab and Jewish Hospitals.
We returned again in 1996, and Doug taught in the summer session. Then as a family, we returned with the 4 daughters and spouses and two grandchildren in February 2013.

This is a small part of fireside that we gave at our Branch in Falkirk on Friday night. I hope you enjoy the pictures and thoughts.

1 comment:

  1. What a beautiful blog. Thank you for letting us peek into your mission and thoughts. So uplifting!
