Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Late Breaking NEWS! Red letter day!

 I got so busy last week I forgot to tell you my news. I drove the car not once, not twice, but 3 times. Two were in the city and only a few blocks going slow. The third time Elder got sleepy and asked for me to drive on the freeway. It is a two lane highway going one way. Two lanes going the other way. Most of the time there were no trees in the median, just a guard rail. So look at the curbs on both sides of the road. That was scary driving down the wrong side of the road at 70mph, trying to stay away from the curbs on roads that
are super narrow.  I haven't figured out why the curbs.

We can drive here for one year on our license from home. But then we have to get a license from the UK. It is 31 lbs for the theory test which is two parts. You have to pass both parts before you can take the driving test which is 62lbs. If you fail one part of the theory test and pass one, you have to repeat both tests.  You have to drive for 30 minutes without making a major error. Most people have to take the driving test at least 3 times before passing.  We have all the books and DVD's and are looking at them now. We can't try for the test until 6 months of residency.  Another stressor.

1 comment:

  1. I have faith in you Sister Ladle.
    How fun! How amusing!!
